BEATO CURDURA SERIES Introduced in 1998, the Beato Curdura Series bag is handcrafted in America, constructed from a 3-ply sandwich, heavy-duty black curdura outside with 5/8 foam padding and a hard-wearing black fleece interior. Sturdy YKK 10CF zippers, heavy-duty 92# nylon thread, with nail rivets and the most durable black webbing for all bag handles.
AMERICANA SERIES A Limited edition of the Pro 1 Series, the
Americana Series comes with color accents of red, white and blue and the
American flag. These bags are only available for
snare drum sizes of 5x14, 5 1/2 x14, 6x14, 61/2 x14, 7x14, 8x14, and 5x13. Each will sell for $92.00.